about visa
subclass 190

The Skilled Nominated Visa Stream (Subclass 190) is a permanent visa. This visa allows nominated skilled workers to live, work, and study in Australia as permanent residents. Due to the strict requirements of this visa, applicants must be nominated by an approved Australian State or Territory Government agency.

eligibility requirements

In order to be eligible for the Skilled Nominated Visa Stream (Subclass 190) visa, you must:

  • be under the age of 45
  • be nominated to apply by an Australian State or Territory Government agency
  • provide evidence of a relevant skills assessment
  • work in a pre-approved occupation on the skills list
  • meet English language, health, and character requirements
  • have no outstanding debt to the Australian Government
  • have not previously had a visa cancelled or refused.

Application Process

In order to apply for the Skilled Nominated Visa Stream (Subclass 190) visa, you will need to provide documentation relating to:

  • your age and identification details
  • educational information
  • professional skills assessment
  • evidence of English proficiency and health requirements
  • evidence of visa eligibility.

You may be required to supply further supporting documents for assessment by the Department of Home Affairs.


visa benefits


With this visa, you will be able to stay in Australia permanently.


This stream supports you to live, work, and study anywhere in Australia.


With this visa, you will be able to enroll in Australia’s Medicare system for public health care.


This visa supports you to sponsor relatives for permanent Australian residence.


With this visa, you can travel to and from Australia freely for 5 years.


If eligible, you may eventually apply to become an Australian citizen.

Frequently asked questions

Can Solve Migration help with Subclass 190 applications?

Yes! Solve Migration’s professional legal team can support you through the Subclass 190 visa application and approval process.

Can I submit an application for Subclass 190 myself?

Yes, you can submit your own application for Subclass 190. However, you will need to be well-versed in the complexities of migration law, as just one mistake could cost you thousands. If you want to self-submit your Subclass 188C application, we recommend getting a professional document check before you do. If you’d like to work with an expert to perfect your application, contact our team for help.

What is the cost to apply for this visa?

For this visa, the standard cost for a primary applicant is $4,240 AUD. You may also be required to pay other costs associated with health checks, police clearances, biometrics, and other selection criteria.

You’ll only be charged if the Department of Home Affairs grants the visa. Please reach out to us if you need help estimating the complete visa cost for you and your family.

Please note that you will need to enter Australia before the last date specified on your Visa Grant Letter.

How long will processing take?

The typical processing times for the Subclass 189 visa are currently:

  • 25% of applications: 4 months
  • 50% of applications: 7 months
  • 75% of applications: 8 months
  • 90% of applications: 10 months

Your pathway to Permanent Residency (PR)

Solve Migration, your partner in success.

At Solve Migration, we understand the importance of quality legal support in helping you navigate migration law and visa law concerns. Our team of qualified lawyers is proud to support clients across the country, working in line with the Immigration Act Australia.


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Level 5, 55 Miller Street,
Pyrmont NSW

+61 2 9252 0449


12 Sydney Road,
Manly NSW

+61 2 9252 0449


Level 8,
251 Adelaide Terrace
Perth WA 6000

+61 8 6182 1888


Level 40,
140 William Street,
Melbourne VIC 3000

+61 2 9252 0449

Gold Coast

2409/5 Lawson Street,
Southport QLD

+61 8 6182 1888

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Level 5, 55 Miller Street,
Pyrmont NSW

+61 2 9252 0449


12 Sydney Road,
Manly NSW

+61 2 9252 0449


Level 8,
251 Adelaide Terrace
Perth WA 6000

+61 8 6182 1888


Level 40,
140 William Street,
Melbourne VIC 3000

+61 2 9252 0449

Gold Coast

2409/5 Lawson Street,
Southport QLD

+61 8 6182 1888

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